Headwaters 인큐베이터 프로그램 온라인 신청

여기에서 Headwaters 인큐베이터 프로그램을 온라인으로 신청하십시오! The application period for the 2025 farming season runs from October 1st 5월 00일 오후 30시까지th, 2024.

Only one application is needed per farm. If an applying farm consists of multiple owners, list just the primary point of contact’s information below. However, please make sure to detail everyone’s farming skills and experiences in this form.

"*"는 필수 필드를 나타냅니다.

연락처 정보


Headwaters Incubator Program Application Questions

16) Make sure to review the most recent Farmer’s Manual.
17) The simplified budget below is one way to display your projected income and expenses. Feel free to use this template (여기에 링크) or create your own, then include with your resume/s below. To download the linked spreadsheet template, go to File > Download, then choose a format. Approximate HIP costs can be found in the Farmer’s Manual:


Line Items in Farm's Projected BudgetHIP Year 1 (First year in the incubator program)HIP Year 5 (Fifth year in the incubator program)
Amount of Land in Production (acres)  
Income (specify your enterprises  
엔터프라이즈 1  
엔터프라이즈 2  
엔터프라이즈 3  
기타 기업  
TOTAL Income (Gross Income)   
Land Rental  
HIP Facilities/Equipment Rentals  
Other HIP Costs  
Production Supplies (seed, row cover, fertilizer, t-posts, trellis, tarps, etc.)  
도구 및 장비  
Sales, Marketing, & Outreach  
Utilities & Fuel  
Insurance & Certifications  
Labor (the cost of hiring others)  
Owners Draw (how much the owners pay themselves)  
Capital Investments (items over $5k)  
TOTAL Expenses  
NET PROFIT (Income - Expenses)  
Please include names, title or relation to applications, and phone/email for each.
여기에 파일을 떨어 뜨리거나
맥스. 파일 크기 : 32MB.
    A complete application packet includes:
    1. Application form (this form)
    2. Optional materials you may want to provide: resume(s), crop plan, cash flow budget, enterprise budgets, balance sheet, or other documents related to your farm, business or experience

    You can also email, mail, or drop off your application packet to:

    Attn: Rowan Steele
    이스트 멀트노마 토양 및 수질 보존 지구
    5211 N. Williams Ave.
    포틀랜드, 또는 97217
    (503) 939-0314

    Press "Submit" below to send your application. You may also save your progress using the "Save and Continue Later" button, which will generate a unique link you can return to later to complete your application. Applications will be accepted between 8am on October 1st and 5pm on November 30th. Late applications cannot be accepted.
    이 필드는 검증 목적이며 변하지 남아 있어야합니다.