Find everything you need to apply for the Headwaters Farm Business Incubator Program here. 2025년 농가시즌 신청기간은 1월 XNUMX일부터다.st 5월 00일 오후 30시까지th, 2024.
신청 방법 :
To apply for the 2025 farming season in the Headwaters Farm Business Incubator Program, please fill out the application form. You can do that in several ways:
- 전자적으로 – PDF and Word applications provided below, or you can fill out our online application. The PDF and Word documents can be saved and shared via Google Documents if you prefer.
- Fill it out by hand – print or request a hard copy, attaching additional pages if necessary
In addition to the application form, you are welcome to provide additional information, like a resume, crop or livestock plan, cash flow budget, enterprise budgets, balance sheet, or other information related to your farm, business or experience. However, these items are optional.
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